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L'UNPO organise une session d'étude sur la justice à Budapest et recueille des candidatures de jeunes Bretons!
Chers jeunes compatriotes Bretons, veuillez trouver en relais ci-dessous un appel à candidature de la part de l’UNPO, organisation des peuples et nations non représentés.
Par Jean-Loup LE CUFF pour KAD le 16/09/24 18:07

L'organisation de l’UNPO Youth organise une session d'étude à Budapest la première semaine de novembre, et recueille toujours des candidatures de jeunes Bretons intéressés.

Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le formulaire à remplir et à envoyer courant septembre.

Invitation à la session d'étude : Atteindre la justice grâce aux jeunes militants de nos peuples non représentés et apatrides : renforcer les capacités pour travailler ensemble pour un avenir plus juste.

Date et lieu : du 4 au 10 novembre 2024 (y compris le voyage à Budapest le 3 et le voyage de retour le 11), Centre européen de la jeunesse, Budapest, Hongrie.

L'UNPO Youth en collaboration avec le Département de la jeunesse du Conseil de l'Europe est heureux d'annoncer une opportunité unique pour les jeunes appartenant à des communautés à reconnaissance limitée, autochtones, minoritaires et aux territoires colonisés au sein de l'UNPO. Une session d'étude dédiée à la garantie du droit à l'autodétermination, à la promotion de la collaboration et de la solidarité intercommunautaire aux niveaux local, national et international. L'objectif de cette activité est de permettre aux jeunes militants appartenant à des peuples apatrides et non représentés de déterminer leurs objectifs communs, de promouvoir un mouvement inclusif et dynamique et de déployer des efforts ciblés de la part de leurs communautés, en mettant l'accent sur une action stratégique délibérative future.

Remarque :

La langue de travail de l'événement est l'anglais. Veuillez également remplir la candidature en anglais.

Un maximum de 2 représentants de chaque communauté seront représentés.

Malheureusement, les candidats doivent résider dans un État membre du Conseil de l'Europe (un maximum de 3 candidats vivant en dehors de ces États membres peuvent être pris en considération, en fonction de nos limites budgétaires).

Tous les frais de voyage (conformément aux règles du Département de la jeunesse du Conseil de l'Europe) seront entièrement remboursés, moins une déduction de participation de 50 euros dans un délai d'un mois après la participation.

Les candidats potentiels seront invités à un bref entretien par internet, avec un membre de l'équipe de préparation des jeunes de l'UNPO.


KAD pour l’UNPO.

Dossier d'inscription en PDF:


Achieving Justice through our Unrepresented and Stateless People’s Youth Activists : Building Capacity to Work together for a Fairer Future

Description of the Activity

Organizers: The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization Youth (UNPOY) with the support of The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) and the Youth department of the Council of Europe.

Place: European Youth Centre, Budapest, Hungary (in person activity).


• Travel to Budapest set for the 3rd of November.

• The study session working days will take place from the 4th of November to the 9th November 2024.

• Return travel home on the 10th of November.

Age Range: Primarily aged between 18-30 (upper limit of 35)

Residency limitations: Almost all participants will be expected to be residing in a member state of the Council of Europe, a maximum of 3 participants not residing outside the CoE member states can be accepted, dependent upon our budgetary limitations

Community: There will be a maximum of 2 participants accepted from each community

Cost: The participant is expected to pay upfront for all travel to and from the Study Session. These costs will be fully reimbursed (within the rules set out by the Council of Europe Youth Department). within a month and a half of the end of Study Session with a Participation fee of 50 euros deducted from the total reimbursement. Accommodation will be provided for at the European Youth Centre alongside meals and transport whilst in Budapest.

Language: The language of the Study Session will be English. This Study Session requires a working proficiency level English.

Study Session Description:

The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization Youth (UNPOY), the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization, the Department of Geography at the University of Cambridge, the Oxford University School of Geography in cooperation with the European Youth Center in Budapest, are organizing a 6 day training Study Session to empower youth leaders from stateless communities.

The 2024 Study Session will gather and engage a widely diverse group of youth leaders, representing stateless, unrepresented and indigenous communities both from within and outside Europe, in a unique opportunity and impetus for improving political participation, civic space, inclusion and solidarity amongst stateless, unrepresented, minority and indigenous communities.

The 2024 Study Session will build on the pre focusing on how youth from different communities can effectively cooperate, engage and associate sustainably on long-term goals. The session will focus on human rights, political engagement transitional justice efforts within a stateless and unrepresented context. The focus will be on how grassroots activism led to concrete policy change in a multi-level political setting (regional to global). Participants will learn how to network within different communities, democratic challenges, utilize the right to strike or protest and transform this into concrete policy action at different institutions at a regional, national or international scale. Navigating hate-speech in the struggle for self determination and providing a space for you to identify the focus of our camapigns.

It will provide a platform to empower European stateless and unrepresented youth to become leading civil society actors in the movement for achieving peaceful and inclusive societies in line with the UN Sustainable Developments Goal 16.

Participants Application Form

A limited number of participants will be selected. Please note that the participants will be selected according to a community origin and gender balance. Participants aged between 18 and 30 will be prioritized. As part of the selection process, your responses to the questions on this form will also be assessed and taken into consideration.

To apply for participation or for more information, please fill the following details and send it to:

Aaron Jones Clwyd - youth [at] and CC Francesca Feltrin - communications [at]

Deadline: 11th of September 2024, 23:59 Central European Time

( Note de KAD en accord avec l’UNPO: cette date limite d’inscription a été repoussée, et les inscriptions sont toujours possibles courant septembre, merci!)

(Details will be used internally and for logistic purposes only. In case you have any security concerns your participation can be anonymized) :

Name, Surname:

Date of birth:

Gender Identity (preferred pronouns):

Address (Street, postal code, country):

Email and phone number:

Specific access needs you may require (Disabilities, Allergies):

Do you need a visa? If yes, please provide your passport number,date of issue and date of expiry :

Name of the organization(s) (if any) you are collaborating with:

Is your community member of :

UNPO Other

Name of the community you are originated from/ you are representing:

Have you participated to a previous UNPO Study Session :

What is your motivation for participating in the Study Session? What is your interest in climate and the environment? Please outline any relevant experience. Please, note that no previous experience is necessary. (about 300 words)

What would you like to learn during the Study Session? How do you intend to apply this knowledge ?

If you previously participated in a CoE Study Session please outline:

a) How has this experience informed your subsequent activities?

b) What is your view of a UNPO Youth Network/ a wider network of global unrepresented and stateless youth?

Voir aussi sur le même sujet : UNPO, KAD, Europe
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