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Breton lawyers being audited by UN experts on minority issues
Thursday, Sept 20th a Breton delegation of 7 was audited at the Paris UNESCO HQ by Madam Gay Mc Dougall, independent expert on minority issues of the United Nations Human Rights Council, assisted by Graham Fox - Some 30 specialists of various minorities in France were present, among which
Yves Lainé pour Institut Culturel de Bretagne (Section Droits et Institutions) le 21/09/07 11:18

Thursday, Sept 20th a Breton delegation of 7 was audited at the Paris UNESCO headquarters by Madam Gay Mc Dougall, independent expert on minority issues of the United Nations Human Rights Council, assisted by Graham Fox - Some 30 specialists of various minorities in France were present, among whom Africans, Roms, Basques, Occitans and..Bretons These were Messrs Patrick Malrieu, Chairman of the Breton Cultural Council, Yves Lainé speaking for the Breton Cultural Institute,Jean-Pierre Levesque for Bretagne Réunie, Yann Choucq and Angela Jacq for the Breton Committee of Human Rights. These persons developed issues that deeply concern Bretons and announced the imminent "claim for infringement" of the French republic by the Commission of the European Union for failure to fulfil its obligations. A part of Yves Lainé's speach is enclosed hereunder. A file was handed to the experts and new contacts established. To day Sept, 21st another audition will be made by the same UN authorities with 8 specialists of minorities and human rights, among which professor Alain FENET, who is fully aware of the Breton issue

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