Press release Wednesday, January 15th 2014
The Breton Red Caps (Bonnets Rouges), represented by the Collective " Live, work and decide in Brittany ", do not associate themselves to the protest on January 26th in Paris .
The event entitled " Day of Rage " does not correspond to the Bonnets Rouges's objectives or values as reflected in the Bonnets Rouges' Charter
Until the first General Statements of Brittany, on Saturday March 8th in Morlaix, the Collective
Live, work and decide in Brittany invites all Bretons, women and men, to join the forty or so local Red Caps committees and express their complaints, suggestions and hopes through lists of grievances.
These grievances, to be to sent before February 15th, are related to the four claims of the Collective :
- keep roads free in Brittany and remove eco tax;
- stop distortions of competition and social dumping;
- release the energies and simplify the administrative burden;
- Relocate the decisions we are concerned by.
All informations (charter, list of grievances, dates of meetings of local committees, press releases) are on the official website of the Red Caps
The Collective Live, work and decide in Brittany is also on Twitter @ BonnetRougeBZH and on Facebook
- Thierry Merret : 06 77 02 32 11
- Christian Troadec : 06 08 63 61 68
- Olivier Le Bras : 06 20 65 29 08
Translated from [Lire] by Maryvonne Cadiou/Nantes Multimédia/ABP
Note from ABP to understand the situation, the reasons of the Breton Bonnets Rouges' protest : of The Guardian, by Anne Penketh on January 3rd who was in Carhaix on November 30th. [Lire] with 91 photos.