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A British-American team filming in Sant-Nazer about Mick Burn's life
The team came to Saint-Nazaire end of March 2010. To the invitation of the Irishman James Dorrian, the CREDIB followed the film team who had come for the last shots on Breton ground for a documentary film about Micky Burn's life, a hero of the Operation Chariot.
Par Hubert Chémereau pour CREDIB le 22/06/10 17:18

A documentary film is being shot about Mick Burn's life. The team came to Saint-Nazaire in end of March 2010.

To the invitation of the Irishman James Dorrian, the CREDIB followed the film team who had arrived at the end of March for the last shots on Breton ground for a documentary film about Micky Burn's life, a hero of the Operation Chariot also known as St Nazaire Raid. In the night of March 27th to 28th 1942, most of his men were on the high-speed motorboat 192, which was destroyed by shootings right south of the Old Mole, with great human loss.

James Dorrian, specialist in the Operation Chariot and partner in the production, recalled us that the long and absolutely remarkable life of Micky is described in his autobiography « Turned towards the sun » which is the main thread for the documentary. As his friend James likes to say: « Micky is a prolific author, poet, teller and unrepentant joker. He has lived for 60 years in Penrhyndeudraeth, on the West coast of Wales. His great friend and neighbor was the philosopher and social reformer Bertrand Russell (1870-1972). In spite of his 97 years of age, Mick succeeded to be as prompt as the film team who has been following him for three years, from Wales to Saint-Nazaire via Germany. » And James added « That must be the good Welsh air! » .

Michael Burn MC (1) was a correspondant for the London Times. It was said that, in the time when most of us live one life, he lived ten of them. He studied in Oxford, and was a brilliant start-up of the 1930's. He received the Military Cross (1) for having commanded the Troop 6 of Commando 2 during Operation Chariot or the epic St Nazaire Raid, where he was made a prisoner. Being a “host of the Reich”, he operated the secret allied radio in the famous Oflag IV-C in Colditz.

The working atmosphere did not prevent good moments of relaxation between the members of the CREDIB and the filming team. Our hosts also expressed much interest for Brittany and its culture. The producer Richard Luckett (Texas) and the realizer Greg Oliver (New York) have particularly appreciated the service of two musicians of bagad Ar Poulig Gwenn: Jean-Paul Strat and Guy Corre. In end-of-day, whereas the sun played hide-and-seek with the clouds, and the sea was particularly rough, the sound of the bagpipe and bombard, homage of Bretons to the Brave men of the Operation Chariot, filled up the sea atmosphere with a strong emotion. David Tait had joined us; his uncle, Morgan Jenkins (2) came from his native Wales (Brecon) and died for Freedom in Saint-Nazaire harbour. One could read on his face how much the memory of his uncle's sacrifice was accompanying him at this moment of communion with his new Nazairian friends and the filming team.

Let us greet the two members of the piloting of the port who allowed the two cameramen the capture of strong images on a dismounted sea. The realizer wished to navigate along the last miles which, in this night of March 27th, 1942, moved away the British convoy – headed by the HMS Campbeltown (I42) destroyer – from the Louis Joubert Lock door and the Old Mole, where many sailors and commandos perished. On this March 25th, 2010, the conditions of navigation were very close to those of the D-day of Operation Chariot.

1 - Military Cross (MC) is the third highest British military decoration awarded to officers.

2 - Lieutenant Morgan Jenkins, who was under the orders of Micky Burn, was killed when the high-speed motorboat 268 was destroyed close to the old harbour entrance.

Hubert Chémereau, translation Maryvonne Cadiou (from ( voir notre article ) and http://credibsantnazer.hautetfort.com/ of the CREDIB. Article on April 5th 2010).

Operation Chariot, see also : http://www.checkpoint-online.ch/CheckPoint/Histoire/His0013-RaidStNazaire.html in French and an account in English: http://www.stnazairesociety.org/Pages/index.html and http://chariot-heroes.blogspot.com/ of James Dorrian.

About the film in project : http://www.colditzcastle.net/2008/michael-burn%E2%80%99s-wartime-exploits-to-be-made-into-hollywood-blockbuster/

Cet article a fait l'objet de 1003 lectures.
The "Research and Diffusion Center of the Breton Identity" - CREDIB Sant-Nazer is an association under the French law of 1901, created in Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique, Brittany) in 2000, member of the Cultural Institute of Brittany.
The Center works for acknowledgement and promotion of the Breton identity in the Nazairian region. The CREDIB also keeps alive the links between Sant-Nazer and the British Isles by its numerous contacts with Scotland and Wales.
10 rue Aristide Briand,
F-44600 Sant-Nazer/ Saint-Nazaire.
[ See all articles from CREDIB]
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