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- Discours -
Republican Sinn Fein Ard Fheis - greetings from Breizh
A Chara, Dear comrades of Republican Sinn Fein Poblachtach, Next week three of ours will be on trial again, 4 years after their first trial. Thanks to Republican Sinn Fein Poblachtach to support them. We repeat our supports to the republican Prisoners Of War,
Yannig Laporte pour Emgann-Mgi le 7/11/08 9:36

A Chara,

Dear comrades of Republican Sinn Fein Poblachtach,

Members of Emgann - the Breton left independentist movement - hope your Ard Fheis will be a great meeting, puting forward your goals of a Non-sectary United and Progressist All-Ireland Republic / EIRE NUA. Breton Liberation Movement in it's own history is toughly linked with Irishmen and Irishwomen, we all remember the names of Connolly, Pearse, Sands or Devlin.

Next week three of ours will be on trial again, 4 years after their first trial. Thanks to Republican Sinn Fein Poblachtach to support them. We repeat our supports to the republican Prisoners Of War, and we'll support any campaign aiming a Political Status for them, as Bobby Sands and his comrades struggled for it, and hope they'll soon be free.

Beir bua,

Slan go foill

Emgann International department

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