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Today is National day in the Isle of Man. The annual open air Tynwald Ceremony has taken place at St Johns with the usual parade of dignitaries to the ancient Tynwald Hill site from which all the laws enacted in the past twelve months are promulgated. Inevitably there is an element
Par Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 15/07/07 15:34

Today is National day in the Isle of Man. The annual open air Tynwald Ceremony has taken place at St Johns with the usual parade of dignitaries to the ancient Tynwald Hill site from which all the laws enacted in the past twelve months are promulgated.

Inevitably there is an element of pomp and ceremony involved in the event and 'whilst sticking to the basic script' the proceedings have become more formalised over recent years. Efforts have been made in recent years however to restore some of the characteristics of earlier Tynwald days when proceedings were less regimented but the 'rot' which set in when the fairfield element of the day was banished to the north side of the Tynwald Hill has not been rectified.

Ironically, one of the reasons that the initial decision was made some years ago to 'evict the fair' was to enable the days events to become dominated by a growing militarisation. From the late 1970s through the 1980s the British military presence grew with marching bands and parading troops joined by exhibitions of associated military paraphernalia. However, opposition towards this eventually forced a rethink.

Fortunately the military aspect is now much reduced but the Tynwald arrangements committee don't seem able to eliminate that military presence altogether. This year military guests included a 'guard of honour' and of course the usual, rather pathetic, fly-past by a pair of the RAFs obsolete Hawk trainer aircraft.

Invariably anyone who opposes this military nonsense runs the risk of being labelled 'a kill-joy'. However surely it is pertinent to ask what relevance in this day and age providing a platform for military posturing serves.

Tynwald is the 'Manx National Day' on an Island whose population is undergoing change as never before. It provides a great opportunity for an inclusive civic celebration. Does it really need to be complemented by a military presence from another country?

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


Voir aussi sur le même sujet :
logo The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
[ See all articles from Celtic League]
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