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Bugaled Breizh - Why no answers. Meeting will ask
It is over two years since the, still unexplained, loss of the Breton trawler, Bugaled Breizh, which sank mysteriously off the Lizard in January 2004. At the time of the sinking the Celtic League made a number of enquiries... Next weekend the Celtic League AGM will be held in Brittany near Brest
Bernard Moffat pour Celtic League le 29/07/06 22:26

Celtic League - Press information

Bugaled Breizh - Why no answers. Meeting will ask

It is over two years since the, still unexplained, loss of the Breton trawler, Bugaled Breizh, which sank mysteriously off the Lizard in January 2004.

At the time of the sinking the Celtic League made a number of enquiries to the British and French governments about the loss, querying possible involvement by one of a large 'armada' of naval vessels gathered in the area for a multi-national exercise at the time.

We have established that, in addition to large numbers of surface craft, at least four submarines from Germany France and the Netherlands were on passage to or transiting the area where the Breton trawler sank.

However, to date, all enquiries into the sinking have drawn a blank and, despite the decision to recover the vessel for forensic assessment, no one has been held to account for the loss of the vessel and its five man crew.

Next weekend the Celtic League AGM, which is being held in Brittany near Brest and close to the Bugaled Breizh home port, will be reminded of the tragedy. Delegates will be asked to support a resolution expressing concern at the unresolved nature of the enquiry into the loss of the Bugaled Breizh.

The text of the draft resolution is set out below:

"This AGM, recalling the campaign by the Celtic League to clarify the circumstances surrounding the loss of several motor fishing vessels in inexplicable circumstances whilst sailing in or near military submarine exercise areas, expresses its concern that the cause of the loss of the Breton trawler Bugaled Breizh is still unresolved

Note: The Celtic League campaign to investigate these unexplained losses covered a twenty year period during the Cold War. The loss of and damage to scores of vessels was assessed. the League determined that in 15-20 instances there was strong cause for concern about possible military submarine involvement. The loss of several vessels from Brittany was examined. The single greatest loss of life also involved a Breton vessel the, Cite D'Aleth, which sank suddenly with all 10 crew members off Wexford, Ireland in January 1983."

J B Moffatt Secretary General Celtic League


Voir aussi :
The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
See all articles from Celtic League
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