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Flag of the International Maritime Organisation (above). The Celtic League campaigned to have resolutions introduced almost thirty years ago to place the onus on submariners to ensure the safety of any fishing vessels in areas in which they are operating.
Flag of the International Maritime Organisation (above). The Celtic League campaigned to have resolutions introduced almost thirty years ago to place the onus on submariners to ensure the safety of any fishing vessels in areas in which they are operating.
- Rapport -
French submarine snags Scottish trawler
It has been reported that a Scottish Fishing Trawler had to take emergency evasive action last week to avoid a submarine on exercise of the West of Scotland. The MFV Silver was forced to turn sharply and sustained damage to its fishing nets.... This incident awakens concerns about possible submarine involvement in the fatal loss of the Breton trawler Bugaled Breizh
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 28/05/09 5:15

It has been reported that a Scottish Fishing Trawler had to take emergency evasive action last week to avoid a submarine on exercise of the West of Scotland.

The MFV Silver Cloud was forced to turn sharply and sustained damage to its fishing nets. The incident is being investigated by the Ministry of Defence.

Its thought the submarine involved was from the French Navy which was part of a multinational group involved in the Joint Warrior exercise of the West of Britain. There were considerable French military assets involved in the exercise including submarines, warships and Breguet Atlantic maritime reconnaissance aircraft.

International Maritime Organisation resolutions which the Celtic League campaigned to have introduced almost thirty years ago place the onus on submariners to ensure the safety of any fishing vessels in areas in which they are operating.

The latest incident with the MFV Silver Cloud is sure to awaken concerns about possible submarine involvement in the fatal loss of the Breton trawler Bugaled Breizh which sank mysteriously during a similar military exercise five years ago.

Correspondence to IMO below:

"The Secretary General International Maritime Organisation 4 Albert Embankment London SE1 7SR United Kingdom


Dear Sir,

It is now almost thirty years since the Celtic League first raised with the IMO the dangers posed to Motor Fishing Vessels by submerged submarines. I am pleased to say that our initial concerns supported by action by sympathetic politicians led to acknowledgment by the IMO of the problem via the adoption of resolution A599 (15) subsequently revoked and replaced by A709 (17).

The Celtic League had hoped that a combination of greater safety commitment by submarine operating powers and the reduction in submarine fleets following the conclusion of the `Cold War' would lead to the elimination of the dangers previously posed.

However only this week there was a further incident in which a Scottish MFV was involved with an incident with a French submarine during multi-national exercises taking place of the West of Scotland.

There are also still serious question marks over the fatal loss of the Breton trawler Bugaled Breizh during a similar multi-national naval exercise off South West of Cornwall five years ago.

Despite the principles set out in resolution A709 it is clear that incidents continue to occur and that naval powers are not adequately committed to meeting the objectives set out in the resolution.

We urge the IMO to remind submarine operating powers of the spirit and intent of IMO resolution A709

Yours sincerely.

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League"

Correspondence to CincFleet below:

"Office of CinC FLEET Northwood Middlesex HA6 3HP England


Dear Sir,

I refer to the incident this week during the Joint Warrior exercise off Northern Scotland in which the safety of a Scottish MFV was compromised by a submerged submarine.

I refer you to IMO resolution A709 which sets out in sections 1 & 2 clear principles which the Royal Navy has said it will adhere to in respect of submarine activity in areas of our coasts where fishing fleets are active. Can we ask what steps your Command is taking to ensure that in future the safety of MFVs in UK coastal waters is not compromised by either Royal Navy submarines or the submarines of other powers involved in joint exercises?

We have communicated our concerns in relation to this latest incident to the International Maritime Organisation (copy enclosed) and reminded them that question marks still surround the fatal loss of a Breton trawler in a similar exercise in the South Western Approaches five years ago.

Yours sincerely.

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League"

IMO resolution A709 can be found here:

(voir le site)

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


Voir aussi :
The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
See all articles from Celtic League
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