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Wales marginalised in UK discussions while Scotland get borrowing Powers

Plaid Cymru’s Economy spokesperson has accused Labour leader Carwyn Jones of failing to make the case for Wales when he took part in the Joint Ministerial Committee at Downing Street.

While Alex Salmond has secured borrowing powers for Scotland, Alun Ffred Jones AM says that Labour has left Wales as

pour Plaid Cymru le 10/06/11 12:10

Plaid Cymru’s Economy spokesperson has accused Labour leader Carwyn Jones of failing to make the case for Wales when he took part in the Joint Ministerial Committee at Downing Street. While Alex Salmond has secured borrowing powers for Scotland, Alun Ffred Jones AM says that Labour has left Wales as a second tier nation on funding issues to suffer at the hands of Tory and Lib-Dem cuts.

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