The Celtic League has asked justice departments in Scotland, N. Ireland, the Isle of Man, England and Wales if training is provided to law enforcement personnel and medical officers on the specifics of the UN Convention on Torture and the so called Istanbul Protocol (IP).
The move comes after a recent report on Ireland by the Committee Against torture criticised that country for omissions.
The League is fairly certain that omissions in respect of both the Convention and IP also pertain in the United Kingdom and Isle of Man. However, perhaps the relevant justice ministries will prove us wrong.
Dear Minister,
In a recent report compiled by the United Nations Committee Against Torture CAT on Ireland the CAT drew the attention of the Irish government to the need for law enforcement personnel to have specific training, with regard to the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment, and medical officers, on the Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Istanbul Protocol) (arts. 2, 10 and 16).
It was also stressed that this training should also be available to personnel involved in asylum determination procedures.
Can we enquire:
a) Is such training provided for police, prison and medical officers in the Isle of Man?
b) Specifically are police and prison medical staff (including police surgeons) provided with training in relation to the relevant articles of the Istanbul Protocol?
c) If the answer to (a) and (b) above is yes can you provide details of when the most recent relevant training took place?
For information a similar query is being forwarded to all jurisdictions in the United Kingdom and Isle of Man.
Yours sincerely
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J B Moffatt (Mr)
Director of Information
Celtic League