I?m fairly neutral on the horse trams issue. I can see the logic in Douglas Corporation wanting to shed something that they have to run at a loss but which arguably is a benefit to all Island tourism. I wonder though is their motivation also driven by the big bucks which might accrue from a developer if existing stables etc become a lucrative prime Douglas promenade site. A question someone could pose perhaps?
Anyway Minister Phil Gawne MHK down at Infrastructure probably sensing that a goodly number of people would be upset by the move and also having some substantial plans (and rails) in hand moved swiftly last week and convened a meeting which will take place later this week.
It was surprising therefore with a forum underway to consider options Kate Beecroft MHK moved an urgency debate in the Keys permission for which was granted by the Speaker just weeks after he had been making scarcely veiled threats to LibVan members over ?questions without purpose?.
Anyway it was interesting because subject matter aside it gave the Chief Minister (CM) an opportunity to reward Kate over her ?put down? of finance sector detractors by supporting her motion. But it was of little practical support to the issue at hand because the CM is clearly saying that the trams issue is going to be parked i.e. no government money!
With other more pressing issues not least the current ?eat of heat? debate you would think the Keys would have better use for their time than a debate on an issue a resolution for which is already being sought.
As I said I?m neutral on the issue and from a CL perspective it?s one for the National Party Mec Vannin to take a position on which I feel sure in due course they will.
However if I were in the ?Save the Horse Trams? camp I would put my money on Minister Phil Gawne as he had moved on the issue straightaway and didn?t need the ?bandstand? of the Keys to adopt a position that must have brought him into conflict with the Chief Ministers obduracy on the issue.
Oh! There?s another reason why Gawne is a better bet than the publicity hungry Ms Beecroft. Phil actually likes horses! In the summer you can often find him behind a pair at ploughing matches.
As for Beecroft well she talks a lot about ?the Wild West? but I?ve never seen her on a horse!
Issued by: The Celtic News
The Celtic League established in 1961 has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It promotes cooperation between the countries and campaigns on a range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, military activity and socio-economic issues
Mannin Branch Celtic League’s photo.
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