All quiet at the Lubyanka (aka the Central Police Headquarters) despite the assertion by an MHK in response to the ?TURNERGATE? affair that many years ago people used to turn up to banking institutions on the Island with suitcases full of money.
At the time in the mid/late eighties when the Celtic League or Mec Vannin suggested such things went on at Island banks we were, to put it mildly, lampooned.
?There?s no evidence? said the powers that be ?show us the evidence?.
At the time as well Police fraud resources were minimal I recall the Head of Fraud saying to me they didn?t even have there own photocopier and (if my memory serves me correctly ? it was a long time ago) he had to share clerical support from another section.
In those days the Police Fraud Unit was tucked away in one of the cupboards that pass for offices at the ?Lubyankas? warren of office?s up by the Grandstand.
My how things have changed the new ?all singing all dancing? Financial Crime Unit are so swish they have parted company from the rest of ?the plod? and are comfortably installed in opulent premises on Bucks Road. They even have a ?hot-line? to the AG (sorry Acting AG)!
Indeed their structures we were told early last year were to be ?beefed-up? even more. So goodness knows how many of them are pushing paper around in there now (link):
It seems the ?shake-up? announced by Allan Bell (Chief Minister) was sadly not sufficient to stop that