A the IOM Newspapers awards for excellence last year Allan Bell (pictured in meeting the great and good attire) was on top form.
He first put the ?naysayers? and those who would decry the Island to the sword and then went on to highlight what a leading light internationally we have become saying:
?The Isle of Man remains an outstanding place to live, work and do business. Equally, we must never forget that we all have a role in keeping it that way.?
He went on:
?Internationally, the Isle of Man is respected for its professionalism and long-standing policy of positive engagement with global initiatives?
There was much more in the same vein about our burgeoning International business presence.
Unfortunate then that this week global events from Ottawa to Delhi have cast the Island and its positive engagement in a different light.
We have already highlighted the KPMG Canada Tax sham issue which seems now to be on course to become something of a political scandal as well in Canada.
Here?s another report from CBC the Canadian National Broadcaster:
Meanwhile a continent away another business man and his empire discovered the exotic secrets of the Isle of Man this time it was India as this report in DNA (Mumbai) sets out:
What was that other quote of Allan?s last year?
?Our good reputation is essential to support our efforts to strengthen relations with economic superpowers?
Yes quite Allan by helping their nationals dodge tax in their home countries that will really ?strengthen? ties!
Issued by: The Mannin Branch Celtic League
The Celtic League established in 1961 has branches in the six Celtic Countries including our own Mannin branch. It promotes cooperation between the countries and campaigns on a range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, military activity and socio-economic issues
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