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Stop exploitation on Manx registered ships call
News from Mannin Branch Celtic League: ?Seafarers from South East Asia and Eastern Europe exploited? I reported recently on the furore in the UK over scandalous rates of pay which seafarers on some vessels receive. The issue was recently highlighted in the Scottish parliament and now the UK parliament has agreed to review
pour Celtic League le 3/12/16 16:10

News from Mannin Branch Celtic League:?Seafarers from South East Asia and Eastern Europe exploited?I reported recently on the furore in the UK over scandalous rates of pay which seafarers on some vessels receive.The issue was recently highlighted in the Scottish parliament and now the UK parliament has agreed to review the issue (see link below).I met DED Minister Laurence Skelly MHK in January 2015 and urged that conditions of seafarers on Manx registered vessels be monitored and improved. The exploitation of seafarers from S E Asia and Eastern Europe has gone on for to long.Following the UK moves I have reminded him of Celtic League concerns and once more urged action (text below):?The Minister for Economic DevelopmentMr Laurence Skelly MHKDepartment of Economic DevelopmentSt Georges CourtUpper Church StreetDouglasIsle of ManIM1 1EX2nd December 2016Dear Minister,You will recall that we met in January of this year and I had a discussion with you and a Departmental colleague about various aspects of the Isle of Man shipping register.In relation to Manx registered vessels I highlighted the need for more focus on terms of conditions of seafarers and also the application of minimum standards in the relation to wage.As I recall both you and your colleague were ?unimpressed? by my argument on minimum wages and the ability of seafarers employed on Manx registered vessels to have access to redress via Manx employment law.In recent months the issue has been highlighted dramatically by the revelations that some crews on Northern Isles (Scotland) ferries were receiving less than 50% of the United Kingdom minimum wage. In another instance highlighted crews were not being paid at all!In relation to the ferries issue the vessels were I believe registered in Douglas, Isle of Man and indeed the Company which operates them applies the same standards to other vessels plying the Irish Sea routes.The United Kingdom parliament about three weeks ago considered the issue and Transport Minister John Hayes has agreed to review to review legislation (see link BBC report): (voir le site) I ask if DED have any plans to undertake such a review for seafarers employed on ALL Manx registered vessels so that they at least receive the Isle of Man minimum wage and have untrammelled access to Isle of Man Employment law should they seek redress.Further will your Department consider publishing on the Ship Registry web pages details of the pay and conditions that currently pertain on ALL Manx registered vessels and make it a requirement of registry that such information is supplied and updated annually.Yours sincerelyJ B Moffatt (Mr)pp Celtic Leaguecc Mr Howard Quayle MHK Isle of Man Chief Minister?BERNARD MOFFATTPublic Relations Officer Mannin BranchIssued by: The Mannin branch of the Celtic League.02/12/16 

Voir aussi :
The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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