(UN MILITANT D’AI’TA! CONVOQUÉ PAR LES FORCES DE L’ORDRE POUR DÉMONTAGE DE PANNEAUX SUR LES VOIES EXPRESS – 7siezh link below)The Breton language action group Ai’ta! is stepping up its campaign over the failure of the French National Roads Authority DIRO to place bi-lingual signage in BrittanyAi’ta! has previously undertaken a number of road sign actions in the country and today called its supporters to a protest in front of the Gendarmerie de Ploudalmézeau in support of one of the group summoned to appear there by police.An agreement on signage was reached over in 2015 and Ai’ta! say the State is failing to honour it and discrimination against the Breton language continues.Finally than a year after this signing, with no discussions initiated between Brittany and the DIRO (Interdepartmental Directorate of Roads West) to determine how to progress the issue Ai’ta! organised a symbolic action in January by dismantling some French monolingual panels along the motorway.Links:http://aita.bzh/…/un-militant-daita-convoque-par-les-force…/http://aita.bzh/…/letat-continue-ses-efforts-pour-effacer-…/BERNARD MOFFATTpp Celtic League.22/04/17