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Building on their proposals to place education as the central theme of a future Plaid Cymru government the party’s education spokesperson, and candidate for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire, Nerys Evans AM, has outlined how introducing IT skills as a core subject will be a further policy proposal to create
pour Plaid Cymru le 25/01/11 12:10

Building on their proposals to place education as the central theme of a future Plaid Cymru government the party’s education spokesperson, and candidate for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire, Nerys Evans AM, has outlined how introducing IT skills as a core subject will be a further policy proposal to create an education system tailored to the needs of a modern Wales. Under Plaid Cymru’s ‘Count on Plaid’ programme the school structure will be built around the needs of a modern Wales. Nerys Evans AM said: “The needs of Wales and its economy have dramatically changed.  IT is now an essential tool and committing to it as a core subject will enable Welsh students to compete with other nations in the new technologies market.  We need to re-prioritise the skills our children need to learn to go out into the twenty first century jobs market. We have seen Plaid lead in this commitment through the action taken by Ieuan Wyn Jones AM.  He recently announced a £4.9m investment in a centre of excellence based at the University of Glamorgan for pioneering new mobile technologies.  Wales can be a world leader in these fields, creating whole new economic industries, but our children need the right grounding to give it success. Moving IT from a foundation subject to being a core subject will allow our children to become more educated in new technologies laying the ground work for a modern, knowledgeable and innovative Welsh workforce.  We are determined that our education offers the very best platform for our children’s future.”

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