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- Communiqué de presse -
Labour in Wales has responsibility for meltdown but has no ideas to help Wales recover

Plaid Cymru has seized on Gordon Brown’s admission that he and Labour made big mistakes in the way they handled the banks, stating that it highlights how economically inept Labour is as a party.  Helen Mary Jones, who is standing for re-election in

pour Plaid Cymru le 12/04/11 12:10

Plaid Cymru has seized on Gordon Brown’s admission that he and Labour made big mistakes in the way they handled the banks, stating that it highlights how economically inept Labour is as a party.  Helen Mary Jones, who is standing for re-election in the Llanelli constituency, said that the former Prime Minister’s statement is acknowledgement from the very top of the Labour party that their poor decisions were at the heart of the economic meltdown that Wales is still trying to overcome.

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