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- Petition -
Join the Breton Democratic Union's call
The President's words about the Breton identity of Nantes are not without ulterior motives and obviously do embarrass socialist leaders, among them the mayor of Nantes. Yet, those words, coming from the head of state, give a great importance to the Breton unity question, justifying thereby the struggle of all those
Nil Caouissin pour UDB le 13/01/09 6:48

The President's words about the Breton identity of Nantes are not without ulterior motives and obviously do embarrass socialist leaders, among them the mayor of Nantes.

Yet, those words, coming from the head of state, give a great importance to the Breton unity question, justifying thereby the struggle of all those who have fought for reunification.

At the same time, however, the Balladur Committee works on a reformation of local authorities and a redrawing of administrative boundaries we fear will not answer our demand of a five departments Brittany.

We want an integrally reunified Brittany endowed with the same powers as euro-regions' such as Catalonia, the Basque Country or Scotland.

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