The Office of the Nuclear Regulator has responded to a query from the Celtic League concerning the implementation of post-Fukushima safety recommendations for nuclear facilities in the United Kingdom (see link):
The full text of the response is set out below:
Dear Mr Moffatt
The Office of the Nuclear Regulator has responded to a query from the Celtic League concerning the implementation of post-Fukushima safety recommendations for nuclear facilities in the United Kingdom (see link):
The full text of the response is set out below:
Dear Mr Moffatt
Thank you for your recent letter asking about implementation of the recommendations of the Chief Inspector's Report on implications of the Japanese tsunami for the UK nuclear industry.
The UK Government, nuclear site licensees and regulators have confirmed their commitment to responding positively to the findings of this report. Our subsequent Implementation Report explained that some of the first Report's recommendations, findings or considerations were considered to be still open at that time by those to whom they were addressed. Of those they considered closed, the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) judged that for some this was reasonable on the basis of the evidence presented, whereas for some others ONR needed more information in order to form a view.
We concluded that there is clear evidence that adequate progress is being made, with improvements either in place or planned. However, we also recognised that this is a continuing programme of work and it is important that all involved sustain their efforts to ensure that all recommendations, considerations and findings are closed out, and that the intended safety benefits are realised.
ONR will continue to seek evidence that this is being done, and will continue to press for the delivery of the more significant improvements to the timescales agreed with the nuclear site licensees and others. ONR will also monitor and assess the adequacy of progress made over the longer term, until it is satisfied that the significant lessons learnt from the Fukushima event have been adequately discharged. It will, if necessary, use its regulatory powers to ensure that reasonably practicable improvements are implemented.
We do not intend to produce further discrete reports on the implementation of the recommendations, but we are committed to continuing to monitor and assess progress, to publish summary updates for stakeholders on our website and site stakeholder reports, and to continue to advise Government on the adequacy of progress made by the industry.
Yours sincerely
Dr Andy Hall
First Deputy Chief Inspector
Office for Nuclear Regulation
Whilst the Celtic League welcome the detailed and extremely prompt response from the ONR we are quite disturbed by its content.
It is clear that as we had suspected the British nuclear industry has not complied in full with the post Fukushima safety recommendations and furthermore this shortcoming is compounded by the fact that no further (public) report on implementation is to be produced by ONR.
It is extremely disturbing that the understandable concerns about safety which the Fukushima event caused seem now to be dissipating with the passage of time.
The Celtic League will in due course be expressing concern to both the ONR and British government and urging both full compliance with all recommendations in the ONR ? 2011 Final Report
Link to final report:
J B Moffatt (Mr)
Director of Information
For comment or clarification on this news item in the first instance contact:
General Secretary, Celtic League:
gensec [at]
The General Secretary will determine the appropriate branch or General Council Officer to respond to your query.
The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues
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