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Welsh Language Has Made Huge Strides Under Plaid
As well as looking at what has been accomplished the Plaid AM is looking forward to what further action can be taken to make Welsh a more vibrant language. Dr Dai Lloyd AM said: What Plaid Cymru has achieved over the course of this government has
pour Plaid Cymru le 25/01/11 12:10

As well as looking at what has been accomplished the Plaid AM is looking forward to what further action can be taken to make Welsh a more vibrant language. Dr Dai Lloyd AM said: What Plaid Cymru has achieved over the course of this government has been something we can all be proud of. There have been some major steps forward for the language, including the creation of the Coleg Cenedlaethol Cymraeg – the Welsh medium HE network - and of course establishing Welsh as an official language. As a part of government, Plaid has delivered major advancements for the language which will ensure that it is strengthened for future generations. They have empowered current Welsh speakers and will achieve a great deal in terms of making the language more commonplace and more accessible for future generations in Wales. There is, of course, more to be done on this issue. There will be opportunities to bring in further legislation over the course of future governments and the Heritage Minister has already been keen to promote a 'revolution of the mind' to ensure that the language is used in everyday work and play. We have put in place many of the tools needed to ensure greater rights for the language and so its important that we now build on that success in a practical manner and encourage greater use in the community.  

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