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The Millenium Stadium (above)in Caerdydd/Cardiff  Cymru is one of the stadiums that would be used if a Cymru and Alba bid for the Eurocup 2016 was successful
The Millenium Stadium (above)in Caerdydd/Cardiff Cymru is one of the stadiums that would be used if a Cymru and Alba bid for the Eurocup 2016 was successful
- Rapport -
Exploratory talks have begun between the Welsh and Scottish Football Associations (FA) with the aim of making a Celtic bid to host the European Football Cup in 2016. The "tentative" talks
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 9/12/08 7:28

Exploratory talks have begun between the Welsh and Scottish Football Associations (FA) with the aim of making a Celtic bid to host the European Football Cup in 2016.

The "tentative" talks have also considered the possibility of including the Football Association in Northern Ireland in the bid, but it has been rumoured that the Scottish FA prefer a joint bid with Wales only. Co hosting of the European Cup is the only feasible option for Wales or Scotland, because neither country have the number of stadiums necessary to host the competition alone. The European Cup in 2016 will see the tournament expand to 24 teams, meaning that fewer countries will be able to host the Cup alone, due to the increased scale of the event, which UEFA say may see the number of suitable grounds needed rise from 8 to at least 10.

The decision to expand the tournament from the current 16 team event to 24 teams was made after a joint motion was proposed by the Football Associations of Scotland and the Republic of Ireland at a UEFA meeting in 2007. The proposal, accepted by a large majority of UFEA's Associations, was initially criticised by clubs and fans in Scotland, because it all but ruled out the possibility of the country making a bid alone. The Secretary General of Scotland's Football Association, Gordon Smith, said though that he was willing to make such a sacrifice, because it would mean Scotland would have more chance of qualifying.

It is not uncommon for countries to make joint bids to host the Euro Cup, due to the high number of quality stadiums needed and it has been rumoured that Sweden/Norway, Russia/Finland and Hungary/Romania are also considering making joint bids too. The next meeting of the different Celtic Football Associations is due to take place in Belfast next February before the application process to host the Euro Cup 2016 begins in the Spring. Although it has not been ruled out, a potential joint bid could also be made to host the 2016 event from the Republic of Ireland and Scotland, even though their joint bid to hold the 2008 Euro Cup was rejected.

The Secretary General of the Football Association of Wales, David Collins, said that matter will be discussed at their council meeting next week.

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League 08/12/08

The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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