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Crack abuser
Crack abuser
- Rapport -
The Isle of Man government should accept that 'The Chief Ministers Drug and Alcohol Strategy' has been an abject failure. That was the view of the Manx branch of the Celtic
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 10/07/08 0:27

The Isle of Man government should accept that 'The Chief Ministers Drug and Alcohol Strategy' has been an abject failure.

That was the view of the Manx branch of the Celtic League when the group met on Saturday evening (28/06/08).

Manx branch chairman, Bernard Moffatt, said it was only a matter of weeks since government Ministers were trumpeting the success of 'the strategy' and since that time there have been record seizures of drugs.

Whilst this may well be portrayed as an enforcement success the quantities and type of drugs involved clearly indicate a massive increase in the domestic market for illegal hard drugs, a market that appears to have grown exponentially in tandem with the duration of 'The Chief Ministers Drug and Alcohol Strategy'

The Manx branch of the League believe the government should abandon its delusion that the current flawed strategy is working and as a matter of urgency convene a meeting of all relevant interest groups in civil society on the Isle of Man to determine a workable alternative.

The Manx branch intend to raise the issue of drug abuse and drug related crime throughout the British Isles at the Leagues Inter-Celtic AGM later this year in Dublin.

See related articles on Celtic News at:

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J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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