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The Celtic League continues to press the case of Noel Maguire an Irish prisoner seeking repatriation from the United Kingdom to serve his sentence in Ireland. The Celtic League General has once again written to the Ministers Office in the Department of Justice (see below). Mr Maguire's case was discussed
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 9/11/07 9:28

The Celtic League continues to press the case of Noel Maguire an Irish prisoner seeking repatriation from the United Kingdom to serve his sentence in Ireland. The Celtic League General has once again written to the Ministers Office in the Department of Justice (see below).

Mr Maguire's case was discussed at the recent AGM of the League held in Cardiff.

"Eithne M. O'Donnell Minister's Office Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform 94 St. Stephen's Green Dublin 2

Dear Eithne M. O'Donnell

Noel Maguire - repatriation

Many thanks for your letter dated 30th July 2007.

I am aware that the Celtic League's Director of Information (DoI) wrote to you regarding your letter and I also note your explanation that the Department does not make "comment on the cases of individual prisoners and it is not proposed to make an exception in this instance."

However as I stated in my original letter to you, Noel Maguire is within his rights to request repatriation under the principles set out in respect of all prisoners under EU law. Mr Maguire has continued to persue his right to repatriation but his application has nevertheless been refused a number of times.

We have also been informed and were pleased to note that the Department of Foreign Affairs has maintained contact with Mr Maguire throughout the period of his imprisonment and that he has received regular visits from an officer from the Irish Embassy in London. Nevertheless, as you can appreciate, without an adequate explanation as to why Mr Maguire has been refused repatriation time and again, we cannot help but feel that his application for repatriation is falling on deaf ears. This is particularly pertinent when it considered that Mr Maguire's co defendents have all now been repatriated.

As our DoI states in his letter to you, the Celtic League has "made representations over many years in respect of individual cases and (various) Departments of the Irish government have had no difficulty with this" and we cannot help to wonder why an exception is being made with regard to Mr Maguire's case.

Moreover, at our AGM in Caerdydd/Cardiff, Cymru/Wales this month the following resolution was unanimously passed:

"The Celtic League seeks the repatriation of Noel Maguire to a prison in Éire, in consideration of the physical and psychological stress that the prisoner has been under over the last year and being the last of six co-defendants to remain in a prison in England."

Delegates at the AGM are increasingly concerned by Mr Maguire's personal circumstances and mental and physical health. They are aware that an attempt has been made on his life in prison and is suffering from psychological distress accentuated by the fact that he hasn't seen his children for a number of years and his family is in Ireland awaiting his repatriation. We are therefore writing to you to make you further aware of our concerns and to notify you of our new resolution.

We would appreciate being kept informed of any new development, within your capacity to do so, but the Celtic League will continue to campaign on Noel Maguire's behalf until he is repatriated to a prison in Ireland.

Yours sincerely

Rhisiart Tal-e-bot

cc. Mr. Brian Lenihan, T.D, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform"

See also Celtic News articles at:

(voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site)

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
See all articles from Celtic League
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