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Drone Protesters in Court in Wales
NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Four women have appeared in Court in North Wales charged with painting ?anti-drone graffiti? at Llanbedr airfield in June. The women were part of a group which has painted slogans and displayed protest banners at the airfield following a deal between Defence Contractor QinetiQ with
pour Celtic League le 7/08/15 11:10

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Four women have appeared in Court in North Wales charged with painting ?anti-drone graffiti? at Llanbedr airfield in June. The women were part of a group which has painted slogans and displayed protest banners at the airfield following a deal between Defence Contractor QinetiQ with Llanbedr Airfield Estates to develop their UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) at the airfield. They are allegedly to have painted daubed slogans such as death drones on the runway at the Airfield. Anna Jane Evans, 52, of Caernarfon, Gwynedd, and Sian ap Gwynfor, 59, of Llandysul, Ceredigion, denied causing criminal damage, at Dolgellau Magistrates' Court on Thursday. However Awel Irene, 61, of Penrhyndeudraeth, Gwynedd and Angharad Wyn Tomos, 56, of Caernarfon, did not indicate pleas. Both the airfield operator and QinetiQ went to great lengths at the time to say that the vehicles they will be testing are unarmed although this is somewhat fatuous as even reconnaissance drones form part of the overall military arms trade. The protesters belong to a group called Cymdeithas y Cymod (Fellowship of Reconciliation) which has a web site at this link: (voir le site) The site is well worth an in depth look. The group has supported the plight of the Islanders of Diego Garcia (also a Celtic League campaign) and they also highlight the destructions of the Welsh speaking community at Eppynt to make way for a military range in WW 2 and which has remained in MOD hands as a training site ever since. The Celtic League is also opposed to military ranges and bases in the Celtic countries Links relating the Llanbedr protest and court case here: (voir le site) (voir le site) J B Moffatt (Mr) Director of Information Celtic League 06/08/15 THE CELTIC LEAGUE INFORMATION SERVICE The Celtic League was established in 1961and has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues (voir le site) Yahoo! Groups Share this!

Voir aussi :
The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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