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West Cheshire/North East Wales sub-regional strategy - the secret plan (image: right to be welsh.com)
West Cheshire/North East Wales sub-regional strategy - the secret plan (image: right to be welsh.com)
- Rapport -
Cymru/Wales: Petition Against Artificial Sub Region draws to a Close
Next week will be the last chance to sign an online petition that has been set up to urge the Welsh Assembly Government to withdrawal from an artificial West Cheshire/North
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 31/10/09 15:14

Next week will be the last chance to sign an online petition that has been set up to urge the Welsh Assembly Government to withdrawal from an artificial West Cheshire/North East Wales sub-regional strategy that was launched in March 2007 (see note below).

The petition, which its creators say will be passed on to the Assembly Petitions Committee on the 31st October, states that the West Cheshire/North East Wales sub-regional strategy is an "ill thought out, extremely damaging and a subversive plan."

The group behind the petition, 'People's Council of North Wales', was formed with specific aims to oppose the strategy and says that the strategy undermines the 'One Wales' agreement created at the beginning of the current Welsh administration. The text of the petition reads:

"The implications are huge, affecting many aspects of life in North Wales. Identity and human rights (in terms of welsh identity, language, culture, character and expression). Environmentally (in terms of sustainability, ecology, natural habitat and the built environment) and societal sustainability (in terms of demographics, economics, politics and communities).

There has been no consultation with the people of North Wales and very limited consultation with our elected representatives, at both a local and National level, there has certainly been no genuine mandate. The plan is non- statutory but has become statutory as it has been adopted in Local Development plans and the Wales Spatial plan. The way in which the plan has been adopted has highlighted significant problems in both local and national government. It has shown a lack of inclusion and transparency, lack of democracy, selective recognition of policy, a reinforcing of stereotypes and the promotion of a culture of discrimination."

The Celtic League has written to the National Assembly Government a number of times to express its concern over the strategy and in January 2009 a resolution was passed by the general council of the League firmly opposing the strategy (see text below).

Celtic League resolution:

"This AGM:

Opposes the existence and functioning of the North East Wales and West Cheshire economic sub region, which has culminated in a non statutory sub regional spatial strategy for the area. The League calls for the territorial integrity of Wales to remain intact and for no further developments in the strategy to take place without widespread public consultation, with the public and their representative institutions in the North East of Wales."

Link to petition:

(voir le site)

(Article prepared for Celtic News by Rhisiart Tal-e-bot)

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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