Manx Radio (News and Current Affairs) are often getting stick for giving the CM to easy a time (not least from us on occasion) but in an interview (clip here):
they fire a ?silver bullet? at the Chief Minister as he rambles on about how government has not achieved its targets in areas like down sizing government, housing and local government. Pressed he says there are a ?wide range of reasons? (which he refuses to specify) why these endeavours have not been realised but when pressed falls back on:
?I think we have achieved a great deal a lot more than perhaps people give us credit for.?
This seems to be a repeat of that ?Awards for Excellence? blast against those doing ?us? down and not appreciating how well the government is doing.
However people will I think get tired of being blamed for failing to appreciate the ?good works? that government it doing when all around they see its failings and indeed some of impact of its mismanagement periodically drops through the letter box in the form of increased bills for utility and services.
The government?s ?final throw of the dice? is the Economic Development Fund (EDF) ? which effectively is OUR