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BZH New York organized in New York a conference to defend regional languages in France
As people gathered across numerous cities of France in defense of their regional languages ABP25303, BZH New York joined with other french regional associations of NY to organize a conference
Par Louis Bouveron pour ABP le 3/04/12 23:34

As people gathered across numerous cities of France in defense of their regional languages ( voir notre article ), BZH New York joined with other French regional associations of New York to organize a conference at City University of New York to highlight the endangered status of our languages.

The panel discussion was led by: Charles Kergaravat, president BZH New York; Marie-Reine Jezequel of the Diwan movement; Thierry Kranzer, President of l'Union Alsacienne de NY; Michela Cresci, CUNY Graduate Center; Jason Sanderson, Georgetown University, Lisa Gouffrant, Basque Committee of NY, moderated by Daniel Kaufman, Endangered Language Alliance, and Juliette Blevins, Endangered Language Initiative, CUNY.

A largely American audience gained a better understanding of viability and continuity of our regional languages, causes of endangererment, non signature by France of the European Charter of Regional or Minority Languages, benefits of Biligualism, language revitalization programs, practices, and conservation and revitalization. http://www.france-amerique.com/articles/2012/04/01/des_francais_defendent_les_langues_regionales_aux_etats-unis.html

BZH New York would like to offer special thanks to CUNY and the Endangered Language Alliance for hosting us for this historic event. www.bzh-ny.org

Cet article a fait l'objet de 1943 lectures.
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Jhony Le Samedi 13 avril 2013 06:50
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