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BZH New York will protest in New York-City on March 31st for the regional languages in France
Press Release Since 2006, BZH New York has presented a broad spectrum of Breton related themes and activities. Those activities have been a rallying point for Bretons in the area but also
Par Charles Kergaravat pour BZH New York le 25/02/12 17:44

Press Release

Since 2006, BZH New York has presented a broad spectrum of Breton related themes and activities.

Those activities have been a rallying point for Bretons in the area but also a way for New Yorkers to learn of Brittany's existence and grow fond of the best things Brittany has to offer.

Language is such an important aspect of cultural identity for peoples and communities worldwide and Brittany is no different. A recent survey indicated that 92 % of Bretons were in favor of preserving and saving their language.The number of Breton speakers during the last century has been in a downward spiral and Unesco lists Breton as severely endangered.

BZH New York will be organizing a number of events over the next couple of months to bring greater awareness of the current state of the Breton language.

– February 23th 2012: Initiation to Breton language with Director of Diwan Paris, Fabienne Geffroy on from 5:30 – 8 pm at Bowery Poetry Club (308 Bowery between Houston and Bleecker street). Join us for an evening which will go into the history of Breton, its state in society today, and initiation to the language for all levels. (True beginners to native speakers)

– March 31st 2012: Mobilizations to highlight the direr state of regional languages in France will be held in the cities of Quimper (Bretagne), Ajaccio (Corse), Strasbourg (Alsace), Toulouse (Occitanie), Perpignan (Catalogne), Bayonne (Pays Basque).

BZH New York will be joining forces with other France regional associations in NYC to do the same.

– In late April, we will be welcoming Breton author Hervé Lossec, who will be presenting his “Les Bretonnismes” series. A series of books that explains the influence Breton has had on how people in Brittany speak French. The books popularity has been so profound that they spent months on best seller list across France in 2011.

We hope you'll be able to join us to one or all of the proposed activities. We'd like to especially thank the participation of the Endangered Language Alliance for these events.


BZH New York (voir le site)

BZH New York is a not-for-profit organization composed of Bretons and friends of Brittany dedicated to promoting the region of Brittany,France. Brittany, is a province of France since 1532. Brittany is one of the six Celtic Nations. : (voir le site) New York in French.

Note by ABP: To be read also on (voir le site) of TV France 3 région Bretagne with title and introduction e brezhoneg gant Bernez Rouz :

Manifestadeg evit ar yezhoù rannvro e NewYork

Ar gevredigezh Bzh New York a zo brudet evit brudañ sevenadur Breizh er stadoù unanet. Meur a arzour en deus bet tro da roiñ buhez d'ar sevenadur breton e New-York, lec'h ez eus darvoudoù e-leizh a-hed ar bloaz.

An taol-mañ eo war ar brezhoneg eman e soñj bzh-New york labourat. Embann a reont e vo manifestet gante er Stadoù Unanet d'an 31 a viz meurzh, asamblez gant ar Vretoned e Kemper, ar Gorsikiz en Ajaccio, an elzasianiz e Strasbourg, an oksitaniz e Toulouse, ar Gatalaniz e Perpignan hag an Euzkariz e Bayonne.

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