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- Communiqué de presse -
The « Great West »in France, or the death of the breton language !
While politicians and their allies are trying to sell us – or to impose us – the fusion of Brittany with the region Pays de la Loire to create a
Par Collectif pour Ai'ta ! Bro Gwened le 22/06/14 20:37

While politicians and their allies are trying to sell us – or to impose us – the fusion of Brittany with the region Pays de la Loire to create a new région in France, a « Great West » with no soul, the collective Aï'ta ! insist on its strong determination against this project.

This technocratic project planned by the french governement is far far away from the aspirations of the breton people.

Who can believe that such a Region will be able to pursue the linguistic policy and the defense of the breton culture we work on ? No one, because this « patchwork » will have no conscience of the territory's realities.

More than creating an incoherent structure thought without dialogue with the breton people, this project will put an end to our language and our cultural identity. We can not accept this !

Together we say NO to this plan of erasure of Brittany, NO to the death of our language and our culture, NO to the « Great West » and YES to the reunited Brittany !

Together, let's fight for our linguistic and cultural rights and for a reunited Brittany with its five departments.

We call for the mobilisation of the breton people against this project on June the 28th in Nantes.