It?s not only me that has a problem with the BBC; in Scotland nationalists have taken their anger to a new but constructive level. Billboards and Van boards attacking BBC bias in news reporting have appeared.
As well as a slogan the boards carry a link so that folk can assess themselves the slant the BBC put on news and current affairs.
Speaking in the Scottish newspaper ?The Courier? a representative of the group driving the campaign ?Inform Scotland? said;
?This is not some thoughtless, blind kickback against a vaguely perceived sense of injustice. It is a well-researched, organised and determined attempt to make a difference, to stand up for balance in what is meant to be an open democracy, to express our justified concern that a publicly-funded institution with a charter proclaiming impartiality and balance, can be shown to be failing in this regard.
?We accept there is an element of disruption in this ? direct action is meant to be disruptive. We accept that there may be greater minds than ours bent upon our common goal of independence.
?Ours may be the blunt instrument approach to creative persuasion, but at least it?s an approach.?
Link: (voir le site)
This could catch on!
Public Relations Officer Mannin Branch
Issued by: The Mannin branch of the Celtic League.