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Breton Party-Strollad Breizh celebrates SNP’s success
Breton Party-Strollad Breizh wishes to congratulate the Scottish National Party, Alex Salmond, the whole SNP party leadership and all its militants for this fantastic victory.
Gérard Olliéric pour Parti breton le 13/05/07 16:43

Breton Party-Strollad Breizh wishes to congratulate the Scottish National Party, Alex Salmond, the whole SNP party leadership and all its militants for this fantastic victory. With its new 47 strong parliamentary group in Edinburgh, the SNP becomes the first party in the Scottish Parliament. This truly historic moment for Scotland clearly shows the will of its people to get a strong local democracy. Breton Party-Strollad Breizh fighting for the very same ideas considers the consistent progress and victories of the SNP as the best example for the democratic future of Brittany.

For the Breton Party-Strollad Breizh in London,

Christian Guillemot, Head of the External Federation. (voir le site)

Le Parti Breton a pour but de rassembler, d'unir et d'organiser tous les bretons et amis de la Bretagne décidés à réveiller la conscience nationale du Peuple Breton afin que celui-ci se dote enfin des structures politiques, économiques, sociales et culturelles lui permettant d'assurer en tant qu'entité internationalement reconnue, son avenir et son épanouissement dans le cadre d'une Europe des Peuples et de la Solidarité
Voir tous les articles de Parti breton
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