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The Celtic League have written to the Isle of Man government (Chief Secretary - see below) requesting an update on the ratification status of two Council of Europe Conventions on Corruption. The League first queried the Isle of Man government on the issue in 2002. Recently the Isle of Man Council
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 15/08/07 10:13

The Celtic League have written to the Isle of Man government (Chief Secretary - see below) requesting an update on the ratification status of two Council of Europe Conventions on Corruption. The League first queried the Isle of Man government on the issue in 2002.

Recently the Isle of Man Council of Ministers indicated it would take steps to extend a United Nations Convention on Corruption to the Isle of Man.

"By E-Mail

Mrs Mary Williams Chief Secretary Isle of Man Government Government Offices Prospect Hill Douglas

Dear Mrs Williams,

I note from the summary of proceedings of the Council of Ministers Minutes for May 2007 that:

"Following consideration Council agreed:-

(a) that it would wish the UK's ratification of the UN Convention against Corruption to be extended to include the Isle of Man, once Manx

(b) that the Corruption Bill 2007 be introduced into the Branches."

You will be aware that the Celtic League corresponded with the Chief Secretary's Office in 2002 concerning the possible extension two Council of Europe Conventions on Corruption* to the Isle of Man. The then Chief Secretary, Fred Kissack, replied that:


The Council of Ministers advised the United Kingdom Government in May 1999, of its wish to see the ratification of the Convention extended to include the Isle of Man. The United Kingdom Government is preparing amendments to its existing legislation to ensure that it can comply with the terms of the Convention. As Manx legislation follows UK Law in a number of respects, the Isle of Man Government will need to consider the United Kingdom legislative proposals when they are published to see whether there are any equivalent amendments that need to be made in the Isle of Man.


The Isle of Man Government has not yet been asked by the United Kingdom Government whether it would wish the United Kingdom ratification of the Convention to be extended to include the Isle of Man.

As you will realise, the Isle of Man is not able to secure the extension of International Agreements to itself other than through the United Kingdom, but our understanding is that the United Kingdom is likely, in the foreseeable future, to invite the Isle of Man to consider seeking the extension of this Convention."

Can you advise what the current status of the Isle of Man is vis a vis these two Conventions on Corruption?

* The relevant Council of Europe Convention are;

No. 173 Criminal Law Convention on Corruption No. 174 Civil Law Convention on Corruption

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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