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The Breton Party welcomes the plans for a referendum in Scotland
On February 25th, the Scottish government, led by SNP Alex Salmond, has announced its plans for a referendum to extend the powers of the Scottish Parliament. The Breton Party welcomes
Gérard Olliéric pour Parti breton le 6/03/10 9:22

On February 25th, the Scottish government, led by SNP Alex Salmond, has announced its plans for a referendum to extend the powers of the Scottish Parliament.

The Breton Party welcomes this event, another step in the autonomous management of Scotland, following a successful and peaceful process of devolution.

Scotland and England signed a treaty of union in 1707, creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain. By this act, Scotland lost its parliament and therefore gave all power to London. It was not until 1999 that the Scottish Parliament was established again, thanks to the efforts of the Scottish National Party, more and more popular from the 1970s. And now 11 years after this reform, Scotland continues its emancipation.

The parallel with Brittany is very suggestive: in 1532, Brittany was annexed by the kingdom of France, and lost any autonomous institution in 1789. Since then, the successive French governments have been continually dividing and weakening Brittany to stifle demand for autonomy. Today, the Regional Council of administrative Brittany (deprived of a fifth of its territory) can barely be compared to the Scottish Parliament: mere administrative powers without the means to decide and implement an effective development policy and a budget forty times smaller than that of Scotland.

Brittany is still far from the Scottish situation, but we must start the process of taking charge of our interest now. For this, vote on March 14 for the list "We will make you Brittany", the only list that has a real ambition for Brittany, the only list to appear throughout Brittany.

For the Breton Party, Alexandre Delin

(voir le site)

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