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Mannin: More Arrests as Manx and UK Political Relationships Unravel
There have been further arrests on the Isle of Man as the Police continue their probe into an outbreak of direct action by nationalists over the past few months. Unease about
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 24/02/10 2:02

There have been further arrests on the Isle of Man as the Police continue their probe into an outbreak of direct action by nationalists over the past few months.

Unease about the existing neo-colonial relationship with the United Kingdom, exacerbated by the actions of the UK government and the lack-lustre performance of Manx politicians in respect of UK – Manx relations has exposed the so-called `self governing constitutional status' of the Isle of Man to be vacuous.

The Island has been demonstrated to be politically subsevervient with the United Kingdom not even observing the norms of political protocol and diplomacy when dealing with Manx government Ministers and officials.

Several substantial changes to UK - Manx relations which could have been managed even-handedly have instead been the subject of diktat or ultimatum from the UK.

Nationalists of all hues, despise the continuing `Crown dependency' status of the Island and this factor taken together public humiliation of the dependencies apparatchiks have caused tempers to fray.

Over 1500 people have signed up to an internet site calling for republican independence for the Island, a status which has been called for over many years by the mainstream nationalist party. In addition, a vigorous campaign of direct action, including the daubing of independence and anti colonial slogans on roads, has been under way for some months.

The impartiality of the police service in such difficult political times has also been questioned by the Celtic League. Pointing to past precedent we have said quite clearly the the Manx Police Service is in our view a neo-colonial force with one foot in the community it serves and the other in the door of government house – residence of the Lt Governor, the crowns appointed representative on the Island.


(voir le site)

Shortly after Christmas when the direct action campaign was at its height rumours circulated amongst nationalist sympathisers that police had stopped cars and asked the occupants if they spoke the Manx language (Note: at the time several roads had been daubed with slogans in the language). Whether the story is true or not it speaks volumes for the degree of objectivity that some nationalist believe the police have and even if the current period of disquiet eases it is clear that a new younger generation of nationalist have had enough of the UK – Manx political status quo and the colonial trappings that go with it.

(voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site)

J B Moffatt (Mr) Director of Information Celtic League


The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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