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Saint-Nazaire harbour in 1864. Private collection.
Saint-Nazaire harbour in 1864. Private collection.
- Dépêche -
A première in Celtic Countries: a quadrilingual exhibition, English, Welsh, French and Breton
It has been inaugurated in Pontypridd Museum on March 2nd in the presence of a delegation of Trinieg/Trignac Town Council - among which the Lady Mayor Mrs Mahé – of members of the CREDIB and of the Cultural Institute of Brittany.
Par Bernard Le Tellier pour ABP le 3/03/10 12:03

It has been inaugurated in Pontypridd Museum on March 2nd in the presence of a delegation of Trinieg/Trignac Town Council - among which the Lady Mayor Mrs Mahé – of members of the CREDIB (Research Center of Breton Identity) Saint-Nazer and of the Cultural Institute of Brittany.

Exclusively and in preview,Agence Bretagne Presse presents the first two panels (see photos) of the exhibition and its first texts.

Welsh Coal – Breton Steel – Glo Cymru – Dur Llydaw – Le Charbon Gallois – L'acier Breton – Glaou e Kembre – Dir e Breizh

An important story links the valleys of South Wales with the steel-making and ship-building area around St. Nazaire. In 1841 John Nixon, who developed two collieries at Mountain Ash, took the first shipload of Welsh coal to France. It was tested in a sugar refinery and in steamboats on the river Loire. As a result France soon became the most important export market for South Wales coal.

Mae stori bwysig yncysylltu cymoedd De Cymru a chynhyrchu dur ac adeiladu llongau yn St Nazaire. Ym 1841 aeth John Nixon, a ddatblygodd ddwy lofa yn Aberpennar, a dwy longaid o lo Cymru i Ffrainc. Profwyd y glo mewn gwaith siwgwr yn Nantes ac mewn llongau ager ar afon Loire. Datblygodd Ffrainc yn fuan i fod y farchnad dramor bwysicaf i lo De Cymru.

Les vallées minières du Sud du Pays de Galles ont eu de nombreux contacts avec la sidérurgie et les chantiers navals de la région de Saint-Nazaire. En 1841, John Nixon, directeur de deux mines à Mountain Ash, envoya par mer une première cargaison de charbon gallois. Celui-ci fut testé dans une raffinerie de sucre et sur des bateaux à vapeur sillonnant la Loire. L'expérience fut concluante puisque la France devint le plus important marché d'exportation pour le charbon gallois.

E-pad ur mare ez eus bet darempredoù tost etre traoniennoù kreisteiz Kembre ha trowardroioù Sant-Nazer ma veze labouret an dir ha savet listri bras. E 1841 e kasas John Nixon, rener div c'hlaoueg e Mountain Ash, kentañ batimantad c'hlaou Kembre da Vreizh. Arnodet e voe ar glaou en un uzin sukr ha gant bagoù dre dan war al Liger. Er mod-se e teuas Breizh da vezañ brasañ marc'had esporzhiañ evit glaou kreisteiz Kembre.

http://www.mairie-trignac.net/mairie/spip.php?page=diaporama : Town of Triniec/Trignac ;
http://credibsantnazer.hautetfort.com/ : Credib Sant-Nazer ;
http://www.institutcultureldebretagne.org/ : Cultural Institute of Brittany/Skol Uhel ar Vro.

Translation of the presentation for ABP (not the texts of the exhibition !) Maryvonne Cadiou

( voir notre article ) in Breton, ( voir notre article ) in French.

Document PDF The two first panels of the quadrilingual exhibition about Welsh coal and Breton steel.. Source :Pontypridd Museum
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