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The Celtic League have written to the President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, urging that the European Union respect the difficulties of small States such as the Isle of Man which are peripheral to the Union. The Celtic League has said that the Commission should recognise that there are often special cases or circumstances
Jacques-Yves Le Touze pour Celtic League le 3/01/04 19:59

The Celtic League have written to the President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, urging that the European Union respect the difficulties of small States such as the Isle of Man which are peripheral to the Union. The Celtic League has said that the Commission should recognise that there are often special cases or circumstances which make it necessary for small States to swiftly aid their agriculture and fishery industries, often as a result of policies introduced by the EU over which they have no input or control. Such State Aid might not always seem to meet criteria set by the EU but the Union should retain a sense of proportion. The League say that it would be distasteful if the European Union used the economic muscle of an organisation which encompasses hundreds of millions of people disproportionately. Bernard Moffatt Secretary General

La Ligue Celtique est représentée dans les six nations celtiques.
La Ligue œuvre pour la coopération entre ces nations dans les domaines politiques, culturels et environnementaux.
Elle dénonce les violations des droits de l'homme, surveille toute action militaire et s'intéresse de près aux questions socio-économiques.
Voir tous les articles de Celtic League
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