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- Rapport -
For a French Presidential 'hopeful' Ségolène Royal seems surprisingly naive. When news of the linkage of her campaign to the activities of her brother, Gérard, in the sinking of the Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior, Royal is reported to have been 'a bit surprised' at the fuss being made over her brother's involvement in the
Par Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 10/10/06 3:43

For a French Presidential 'hopeful' Ségolène Royal seems surprisingly naive.

When news of the linkage of her campaign to the activities of her brother, Gérard, in the sinking of the Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior, Royal is reported to have been 'a bit surprised' at the fuss being made over her brother's involvement in the sabotage and murder in Auckland Harbour in July 1985.

Later when pressed on the issue again she is reported to have said "I have a brother, who 20 years ago was a soldier, a frogman, for whom I have a lot of admiration. He was indeed involved in a detestable act. But he had received orders for that."

Ségloène Royal seems to believe that the somewhat hackneyed excuse 'he was only obeying orders' absolves him, the others involved in the murderous act, and indeed the French establishment of the day up to and including the then President.

It is absolutely outrageous that all the members of the French military and political establishment have never been held to account for their actions. In this regard the complacent denial of the French establishment is matched only by the craven inertia of successive New Zealand governments who were too intimidated by economic considerations to properly hold France to account.

Ségloène Royal has also said in relation to the murder of photographer, Fernando Pereira, "Fortunately, the nuclear tests stopped. But clearly, and unfortunately, a person died."

However, what is really unfortunate is that even after all these years the French government, the French people and the Royal family including Presidential hopeful Ségloène don't seem to wish to atone for their collective guilt.

Recently (see below) the Celtic League reminded the World about these State-sponsored terrorists and published most of their names. We urged that governments who were serious about tackling the problem of global terrorism should detain them if they attempt to move outside the French State. Only in this way can we demonstrate that France truly is a haven for its 'home-grown' terrorists!

J B Moffatt 07/10/06

The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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