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Irish language television service TG4 now reaches 90% of the population in Northern Ireland via analogue terrestrial services according to the Northern Ireland Office (NIO). The NIO were responding to queries from the Celtic League about coverage of Irish TV services in the North. However whilst the news about potential audience
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 14/12/06 20:47

Irish language television service TG4 now reaches 90% of the population in Northern Ireland via analogue terrestrial services according to the Northern Ireland Office (NIO).

The NIO were responding to queries from the Celtic League about coverage of Irish TV services in the North.

However whilst the news about potential audience reach is welcome the Celtic League understand that some areas where there are potential viewers for the service is not accommodated.

It is also disappointing that although the NIO acknowledge that TG4 will eventually also be broadcast via the digital TV platform apparently these plans will not achieve fruition until 2012.

Digital TV services are now achieving significant audience reach both in east and western areas of the six counties and it is therefore unfortunate that the extension of Irish language broadcasting cannot be rolled out sooner than digital switch-over in 2012.

The full text of the response from the NIO is set out below:

"Dear Mr Moffatt,

Thank you for your letter to the Secretary of State on the 28th October, concerning the increase of the availability of Irish language television services in Northern Ireland. I have been asked to reply.

2. The Belfast Agreement committed the Government to increase the coverage of Irish language television services throughout Northern Ireland. Changes were implemented to increase coverage of the reception from 30% to 54% but due to the topography the Belfast area remained only partially served.

However, since TG4 began broadcasting from the Divis transmitter, in March 2005, coverage of TG4 throughout the province has now risen to 90%. There are no current plans to extend the present analogue coverage of Irish language television services in Northern Ireland.

3. However, I understand from colleagues in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, who are coordinating the switchover to digital broadcasting, that once digital switchover occurs (which in Northern Ireland will be in 2012) the TG4 channel will be broadcast (digitally) from all of the transmitters in Northern Ireland. So coverage of Irish language television services will be increased at the date of digital switchover.

4. I hope this is helpful.

Steven Sweeney DLD"

See also Celtic News No:

2036 TG4 - EXTEND SERVICE HAIN URGED - Oct 28, 2006

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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