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Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)logo above
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)logo above
- Rapport -
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has said it would have considered closing the British Nuclear submarine at Faslane base if it had the power. The statement comes following revelations that
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 11/05/09 6:23

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has said it would have considered closing the British Nuclear submarine at Faslane base if it had the power.

The statement comes following revelations that there have been a series of leaks of radioactive coolant from nuclear submarines over the past few years.

The nuclear submarine base on the Clyde at Faslane, is home to Britain's fleet of ballistic missile armed Trident submarines (SSBNs). In addition a fleet of nuclear-powered (Hunter- Killer) submarines (SSNs) armed with conventional weapons is based there.

Three times, in 2004, 2007 and 2008, radioactive coolant leaked from nuclear submarines into the Firth of Clyde.

In August 2007, the nuclear-powered submarine HMS Superb discharged water, potentially contaminated with radioactive Tritium and Cobalt-60, directly into Gare Loch. Although the matter was raised formally with the MOD in February 2008, it happened again.

The new disturbing revelations are sure to re-open controversy about the basing of nuclear submarines in Scotland.

Meanwhile the Ministry of Defence (MOD) are attempting to play down the incidents saying that:

"The discharges into the Gare Loch (Clyde) had no environmental consequences."

A spokesman went on:

"The MoD is a responsible nuclear operator and informed the appropriate regulatory authorities."

However, such high profile censure by SEPA of the operational safety record of the base is likely to lead to the MOD and British government be pressed further on this issue.

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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