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Afficher les 7 articles de ELEN par : [date] [alpha] [hits]
Huge majority of Europeans, 84%, support protection for regional or minoritised languages (81 lectures) publié le 05/06/2024 22:03:56
CYNULLIAD CYFFREDINOL ELEN CAERDYDD 2022: ELEN GENERAL ASSEMBLY REPORT (41 lectures) publié le 21/11/2022 11:42:50
ELEN General Assembly Caerdydd 2022: keeping Wales connected to Europe. (65 lectures) publié le 18/10/2022 17:19:49
University of Valencia – ELEN Summer School: “Minority Languages: Rights and Practices” 18-22n (28 lectures) publié le 11/05/2022 20:20:31
ELEN statement regarding the Supreme Court decision against Catalan-medium education. (64 lectures) publié le 25/11/2021 12:44:12
ELEN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2021, Santiago de Compostela, Galiza, Report. (201 lectures) publié le 18/11/2021 17:57:27
Language activists from across Europe set to meet in Galicia for the European Language Equality Network (77 lectures) publié le 07/11/2021 01:16:46