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In another of those odd judgements for which the senior tier of the Manx judiciary is becoming renowned the second Deemster (Isle of Man High Court Judge) has overturned the decision of a lower court to apply stringent bail conditions in a case of alleged money laundering. Trevor Baines a
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 4/03/08 6:04

In another of those odd judgements for which the senior tier of the Manx judiciary is becoming renowned the second Deemster (Isle of Man High Court Judge) has overturned the decision of a lower court to apply stringent bail conditions in a case of alleged money laundering.

Trevor Baines a prominent local business man had appeared before the Isle of Man High Bailiffs Court accused of involvement in money laundering, allegations which he strenuously denies.

As a condition of ongoing bail first granted last year Baines was required to continue a substantial surety and also report daily to police headquarters and surrender his passport.

Baines sought a variation to these conditions to allow him to travel off Island to Switzerland for business commitments and the request was rejected by High Bailiff Michael Moyle.

However it has since been revealed by local media sources that within hours Mr Baines applied to Deemster Doyle (the second Deemster) seeking a variation to his bail conditions.

It is understood the Deemster granted the application and has allowed him to go to Switzerland ahead of another court appearance on February.

The episode has bemused the local community. What they ask could have happened in the space of a few hours to allow a Deemster to set aside substantial and stringent bail conditions imposed by a lower court and which had been in place for months?

See also related article about Manx Judiciary on Celtic News at:

(voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site)

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


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