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Lights out for Rhodri
Rhodri Glyn Thomas, the Minister with responsibility for Heritage and Culture in the Welsh Assembly Government has resigned – for smoking a cigar in the Eli Jenkins public house in Cardiff Bay last Wednesday evening ! It may appear a very trivial matter to anyone outside Wales, but Mr Thomas has had his share of disasters in recent months
Gwyn Griffiths pour Gwyn Griffiths le 19/07/08 12:20

Rhodri Glyn Thomas, the Minister with responsibility for Heritage and Culture in the Welsh Assembly Government has resigned – for smoking a cigar in the Eli Jenkins public house in Cardiff Bay last Wednesday evening!

Smoking in any public building in Wales carries a £50 fine. Apparently Mr Thomas, who is a Plaid Cymru Assembly Member for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr, had walked into the pub unaware that he had a cigar in his hand. When a member of staff drew his attention to the cigar he immediately went outside.

It may appear a very trivial matter to anyone outside Wales – or Britain – but Mr Thomas has had his share of disasters in recent months. He was roundly criticised for his lack of practical support for the proposed Welsh language daily newspaper Y Byd. See ( voir l'article ), January and ( voir l'article ), Februray.

He agreed an annual contribution of £200,000 for three years towards a Welsh language project, claiming that the Irish language daily, Lá Nua, was well able to survive on a similar sum. Three days later Lá Nua ceased to exist as a printed journal – it continues as an internet publication. Mr Thomas's £200,000 has now gone to the weekly news magazine, Golwg, to develop its website.

Lorient disaster

Mr Thomas then made a mess of the plans for the Welsh stand for next month's Lorient Festival. David Petersen, who had voluntarily and single-handedly organised the Welsh presence at Lorient for 25 years, was shunted aside without a word of thanks. See ( voir l'article ), April.

At the “Welsh Book of the Year” awards

Then a few weeks ago, at the Welsh Book of the Year awards, Mr Thomas came to UK, if not to wider prominence. He announced the name of the wrong writer in the English section. It was only as this person was walking on to the stage that Mr Thomas realised his mistake, apologised, and a very disappointed young man had to return to his seat. (voir le site) of WalesOnline, with the YouTube video.

It was shown on BBC network television the following day with invitations for people to submit their own examples of embarrassing moments. No one was able to offer anything comparable to Mr Thomas's blunder.

The trivial cigar episode brings to mind the eventual imprisonment of Al Capone for tax evasion!

(voir le site) , the official website of the Assembly of Wales, page from which comes this photo of Mr Rhodri Glyn Thomas.

Voir aussi :
Gwyn Griffiths is an ABP correspondant in Wales. A Welsh delegate of the International Committee for the Defense of the Breton Language (ICDBL) and former journalist with BBC Cymru, he is a contributor to several Welsh newspapers and magazines – one of them is Cambria. He is the author of numerous books and articles in Welsh and English – many of them about Brittany. He is co-editor, with Jacqueline Gibson, of \"The Turn of the Ermine. An Anthology of Breton Literature\". (London, Francis Boutle Publishers, 506 p., 2006). He is a great connoisseur and friend of Brittany which he has visited on over 50 occasions.
See all articles from Gwyn Griffiths
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