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A group of Irish schoolchildren picketed the Offices of the European Union in Dublin on Friday to highlight the campaign to have the Irish language recognised as a working language for EU business. In May 20 languages will receive official accreditation from the EU however Irish is excluded from the list. The youth and commitment
Par Jacques-Yves Le Touze pour Celtic League le 20/12/03 21:13

A group of Irish schoolchildren picketed the Offices of the European Union in Dublin on Friday to highlight the campaign to have the Irish language recognised as a working language for EU business. In May 20 languages will receive official accreditation from the EU however Irish is excluded from the list. The youth and commitment of yesterdays protesters it is hoped will send a clear message to the EU hierarchy that the issue of official EU status for Irish will not go away - even if in May they choose to ignore the requests for its status to to be recognised. Bernard Moffatt Secretary General

La Ligue Celtique est représentée dans les six nations celtiques.
La Ligue œuvre pour la coopération entre ces nations dans les domaines politiques, culturels et environnementaux.
Elle dénonce les violations des droits de l'homme, surveille toute action militaire et s'intéresse de près aux questions socio-économiques.
[ Voir tous les articles de Celtic League]
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