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- Communiqué de presse -
Jean-Yves Le Drian holds the reunification cards
The fact that the General Council of Loire-Atlantique asserts its support to the administrative reunification of Brittany in its magazine n°54, is an event of prime importance. Especially, because it is sent to every household in Loire-Atlantique (the largest Breton department). The 'Parti Breton' congratulates the General Council and its President for this unprecedented initiative.
Par Émilie Champliaud pour ABP le 23/11/06 10:40

Nantes/Naoned on 13 .11.06: Communiqué from Parti breton

Jean-Yves Le Drian holds the reunification cards.

The fact that the General Council of Loire Atlantique asserts its support to the administrative reunification of Brittany in its magazine n° 54, is an event of prime importance. Especially, because it is sent to every household in Loire-Atlantique (the biggest Breton department).

The 'Parti Breton' congratulates the General Council and its President for this unprecedented initiative. Besides, it is important to remind that the General Council had been careful enough to support its initiative with the results of a survey that was carried out in June.

This survey confirmed once again that the majority of the population is in favour of reunification.

However, if we want the State and its adminstration to move on, Brittany's local representatives need to mobilize themselves and remain unanimous.

Regional councillors were unanimous during the 2004 deliberations to create a mixed Commission (under the form of a working party) with Loire Atlantique about Brittany's administrative reunification and an increase in co-operation.

However, we can notice that Brittany's Regional Council is 'backing both horses' : i.e. it saves time through occasional co-operation with the General Council on one hand while, on the ohter, tries not to trouble its socialist friend, Jacques Auxiette, who day by day strengthens Pays-de-Loire's control over the life of Loire-Atlantique inhabitants.

What about the mixed Commission? It made a few modest, cultural and tourist proposals but nothing at all within the institutional context.

Therefore Parti Breton demands that an actual mixed Commission be set up in accordance with the 2004 deliberations. This Commission would gather local representatives from all political affiliations.

The Loire-Atlantique department having asserted its support to Brittany's administrative reunification, Brittany's Regional Council can no longer delay the process on the pretence that the State is hindering the plans.

Jean-Yves Le Drian and his team are now holding the cards. The mixed Commission must therefore start preparing the reunification process as soon as possible.

Reunification cannot be a partisan or a politican stake. Breton people's unity on this issue must be flawless, especially because the next presidential and legislative elections will exacerbate divisions among partisans and politicans. More than ever, Brittany's reunification must be the priority for Breton people.

Parti Breton supports the proposal from Bretagne Réunie (United Brittany) to organise a referendum in Loire-Atlantique simultaneously with the 2008 local elections.

This referendum could be organised without extra costs and will ensure that most of the people will come and vote, two years before the regional elections. Neither the General Council of Loire-Atlantique nor Brittany's Regional Council must waste this new historical opportunity.

Until then, presidential and legislative electiosn will be, for Parti Breton, the opportunity to make candidates face their responsibilities in this matter.

On behalf of Parti Breton, President, Gérard Olliéric
(voir le site)

The Breton Party is a republican, reforming political party that aims at gathering men and women who are involved in the struggle over full recognition of the Breton people national identity. It offers a specific vision of the social organisation which is based on the primacy of the individual.

It defines itself through the values of humanity, solidarity, democracy and freedom.

It is a reforming party which is open to everyone engaged in progress according to the principles of political ways of thinking; from Social Democracy to Liberal Social Democracy, these concepts being widely recognised and spread in the current EU. (see website : (voir le site) )

Voir aussi sur le même sujet : réunification
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