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- Communiqué de presse -
Mobilization in support of regional diversity and its right
On March 31st, 2012, in several cities of France and particularly in Quimper, a mobilization will take place in support of regional diversity and its right to recognition by rule of law.
Les Bretons de Sciences Po Bretoned Sant pour Bretoned Sant-Gwilherm le 28/03/12 10:48

On March 31st, 2012, in several cities of France and particularly in Quimper, a mobilization will take place in support of regional diversity and its right to recognition by rule of law. Through this event, the Association Bretoned Sant Gwilherm will be reinforcing their stance on the need to promote French regional languages as a communication medium.

The Association considers that regional languages are not sufficiently taken into account by the actual law, article 75-1 of the Constitution which recognizes the regional languages as part of the French heritage, but assures neither the right nor the freedom to use another language apart from French.

The risk is to confine the different languages of France to the rank of dialects, making their use in public life an exception to the norm. The result of this insecurity will lead to a marginalization of its speakers.

The Bretons of Sciences Po experienced this first hand upon their conception when their freedom of bilingual expression would not be respected in dealings with the administration. Finally, after lengthy legal discussions, it was granted based on a discretionary resolve.

Consequently, a delegation of the Association will rally in Quimper to testify to the collective work accomplished by the Association since 2010 in mobilizing elected members, associative organizations, university students & staff, Sciences Po Administration, along with other public figures to join us in our cause.

Bretoned Sant-Gwilherm

Sciences Po - IEP of Paris

bretons.sciencespo [at] gmail.com

27 rue Saint-Guillaume

75 007 Paris

Document PDF 2012_03__cp_mobilization_regional_diversity_march_31_st.pdf . Source : BSG
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