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Delegates at the EFAy GA  Palma de Mallorca.
Delegates at the EFAy GA Palma de Mallorca.
- Rapport -
European youth group meets
The League's General Secretary assumed his other role this weekend as the president of a European political youth organisation at their Annual General Assembly (AGM) in Palma de Mallorca. The European Free Alliance Youth (EFAy) is the youth movement of the EFA, a European political party and a political grouping of Members of the
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 19/04/08 8:13

The League's General Secretary assumed his other role this weekend as the president of a European political youth organisation at their Annual General Assembly (AGM) in Palma de Mallorca.

The European Free Alliance Youth (EFAy) is the youth movement of the EFA, a European political party and a political grouping of Members of the European Parliament. As reported previously on Celtic news, member organisations of the EFAy comprise nationalist and regionalist youth movements from across Europe, including the youth groups of Young Scots for Independence, Union Démocratique Bretonne, Mebyon Kernow – the Party for Cornwall and Plaid Cymru.

A number of resolutions were passed covering the situation in Tibet, GMO crops and the European Charter for Regional or Minority languages. The Tibet resolution was a joint call on behalf of the EFAy and the EFA covering a range of issues relating to the situation in Tibet, including calling on "Heads of Governments and Heads of States to boycott the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in the event there is no resumption of dialogue between the Chinese authorities and His Holiness the Dalai Lama;"

The AGM was hosted by EFA party members Partit Socialista de Mallorca (PSM) and their EFAy member youth branch Joves d'Esquerra Nacionalista(JEN).

EFAy President, Rhisiart Tal-e-bot, said after the GA:

"It was a great pleasure to be back in Mallorca among our very enthusiastic and active members of JEN. The event was a resounding success and we are indebted to JEN for not only making us feel very welcome, but for also providing a lot of fun too!

Our GA's are important times for the EFAy, because they allow our members to make contact on a professional and personal basis, in addition to developing the activities of the EFAy itself. I am sure our members who attended the Palma de Mallorca GA will remember the day as one where old acquaintances were firmly renewed and many new friends met."

Closer future cooperation between the representatives from Brittany, Cornwall and Wales was also discussed

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


Voir aussi :
The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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