The Irish government has discounted reports that British naval vessels may have been in the area of proposed pipe laying operations, by Shell, off North Mayo last month.
After a stand-off developed between protesters and the Irish police a number of Irish naval units were called to the area as(in the words of the Department of Foreign Affairs -DFA) 'an Aid to the Civil Power'. Shortly after reports circulated that a British nuclear submarine was seen in the area.
Whilst discounting talk of a British naval presence the DFA make a curious statement. They cite the UNCLOS right of passage to justify any potential transit of Irish territorial seas by the navy of the United Kingdom or others. However the Royal Navy pointedly never comment on the location of their submarine fleet and therefore could not comply with the spirit of the UNCLOS agreement. Full text of the DFA letter set out below:
Mr. Rhisiart Tal-e-bot General Secretary Celtic League
30 September 2008
Our Ref: AI080195
Dear Mr. Tal-e-bot,
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. M�eal Martin, T.D., has asked me to thank you for your email of 11 September 2008 concerning the deployment of vessels of the Naval Service and the British Royal Navy.
In accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, to which Ireland is a party, all ships enjoy the right of innocent passage through the territorial sea. All ships, therefore, are entitled to enter the territorial sea without prior notification or consent, provided that their passage is not prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal state. The right applies to submarines on the condition that they must navigate on the surface and show their flag. Accordingly, the issue of permission, conditions or assurances does not arise in such circumstances.
With regard to the deployment of the LE Orla to Broadhaven Bay, and while this is a matter for the Department of Defence, I have been informed by that Department that the LE Orla was deployed to the area on foot of an Aid to the Civil Power request from An Garda Siochana. Moreover, the Department of Defence has no knowledge of any British Navy manouevres in the area in question.
Yours sincerely,
Sinead Ryan Private Secretary
pp Bryan Cahill"
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J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League