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Days of the Breton language in Ireland / Laethannta na dTeanga Briotáinise in Éirinn
Dé hAoine 26, Dé Satharn & Dé Domhnaigh 28 Eanáir 2007, i mBaile Átha Cliath. Friday 26th, Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th of January 2007, Dublin
Par Josselin LE GALL pour Breizh Eire le 19/01/07 21:37

Laethannta na dTeanga Briotáinise in Éirinn:

Dé hAoine 26, Dé Satharn & Dé Domhnaigh 28 Eanáir 2007, i mBaile Átha Cliath

Dé hAoine 26: Seisiún rincí Briotánacha ag i gClub Chonradh na Gaeilge ó 8.00 i.n.

— Dé Sathairn 27: Cruinniú na gcainteoirí Briotáinise os comhair an Gailearaí Násiúnta na hÉireann ag 2.00 i.n.
Féile cheilteach i gClub Chonradh na Gaeilge ó 8.00 i.n.

— Dé Domhnaigh 28: Lón ag Creperie Fafie's ag tosú ó 1.00 i.n., do chainteoirí agus d'fhoghlaimeoirí Briotáinise.

Club Chonradh na Gaeilge: 6 Sráid Fhearchair, Baile Átha Cliath 2
Gailearaí Násiúnta na hÉireann: Sráid Chliara, Baile Átha Cliath 2
Fafie's: 2 Sráid Chaomhín Íochtarach, Baile Átha Cliath 2

Days of the Breton Language in Ireland:

Friday 26th, Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th of January 2007, Dublin

— Friday 26th: Breton dances session at the Club Chonradh na Gaeilge from 8.00 pm

— Saturday 27th: Meeting of all confirmed breton speakers at the National Gallery of Ireland at 2.00 pm.
Interceltic night at the Club Chonradh na Gaeilge, from 8.00 pm

— Sunday 28th: Lunch in the creperie Fafie's from 1.00 pm, for all breton speakers and those learning breton.

Club Chonradh na Gaeilge: 6 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2
National Gallery of Ireland: Clare street, Dublin 2
Fafie's: 2 Lower Kevin street, Dublin 2

breizheire [at] gmail.com
tel /pgz: +353 (0)87 411 7104

Cet article a fait l'objet de 1015 lectures.
We are some bretons and people found of Brittany living in Ireland. We are trying to gather the Bretons and all people who likes Brittany on the "green island" around cultural activities, linguistic, to stimulate the bonds at any level between our two Celtic countries... We organise different events and regular activities trhough the year all over Ireland. BreizhEire has so far four branches, Dublin, Galway, Cork and Belfast. If you are interested to know more about us, check our website www.breizheire.ie and do not hesitate to send us an email at breizheire@gmail.com if you wish to join our newletter about all events/activities regarding Brittany/ interceltism in Ireland.
[ See all articles from Breizh Eire]
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