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According to a Councillor in Wrexham/Wrecsam the village of Rhostyllen in north east Wales "does not have a sense of Welsh identity." The comments made by Mr Bob Dewey at a Council planning meeting to discuss the National Trust planning application to build 223 houses on Erddig estate ground in Rhostyllen, have
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 16/03/08 19:52

According to a Councillor in Wrexham/Wrecsam the village of Rhostyllen in north east Wales "does not have a sense of Welsh identity."

The comments made by Mr Bob Dewey at a Council planning meeting to discuss the National Trust planning application to build 223 houses on Erddig estate ground in Rhostyllen, have led to widespread criticism from residents and community groups alike.

Dewey's comments came in response to Wrecsam Council guidelines which state that "no new development should have an adverse affect on Welsh identity and or language', but Mr Dewey claimed that the regulation was "not applicable in this case because Rhostyllen doesn't have a sense of Welsh identity'.

The Council planning meeting follows a local referendum, in the ward of Esclusham, where residents voted overwhelmingly against National Trust plans to build 223 houses in Rhostyllen. It was hoped that after the referendum, the National Trust would withdraw their development plans, but in spite of local opposition, decided to continue with the application. The application therefore went back to Wrecsam Council's Planning Committee for further scrutiny and this is where Dewey's comments were made.

Cymuned, the Welsh housing and community group that spearheaded the campaign to stop the development along with the Rhostyllen Residents Committee, are furious with the National Trust for not commenting on the results of the referendum. Cymuned and Rhostyllen Residents Committee are now pursuing a campaign to get the National Trust to do just that. Cymuned are also calling on Wrecsam Council to issue a public statement to say if they believe that Rhostyllen has a Welsh identity or not.

Tara Green of the Rhostyllen Residents Committee said "To say Rhostyllen isn't Welsh is an absolute insult to residents, it's unforgivable. In addition, the planning committee brushed aside the issue of local opposition despite an official referendum with results of 2:1 against. The decision has now been deferred but serious questions have to be asked about why our council is ignoring official planning guidelines. We have identified at least seven other guidelines which this proposed development breaches. I'm personally very concerned about this whole process, especially the fact that they are ignoring local opinion."

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


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