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- Rapport -
The glossy coloured cover and the introductory 'spin' contained in the most recent (2006) report on the Irish prison system cannot conceal the fact that this is a deeply disturbing document. Most startlingly the reported deaths in custody show a dramatic 50% increase on the previous two years - the comparative figures
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 24/01/08 6:50

The glossy coloured cover and the introductory 'spin' contained in the most recent (2006) report on the Irish prison system cannot conceal the fact that this is a deeply disturbing document.

Most startlingly the reported deaths in custody show a dramatic 50% increase on the previous two years - the comparative figures are 2004 (7) 2005 (8) 2006 (12).

In addition the treatment of special categories of prisoner such as those with psychiatric problems and also young offenders shows little improvement (as recently as September 2007 the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child noted the failure of the authorities to implement fully its previous recommendations these included the lack of separate detention facilities for 'all' children aged 16 and 17 held in custodysomething the Irish government has given repeated assurances it would move on.)

The Prison system in Ireland has been criticised by both the European prisons watchdog - the CPT - and also by the United Nations. Despite these criticisms the situation shows a deterioration that disturbingly both the Department of Justice and the Office of the Taoiseach seem prepared to countenance.

The Celtic League will be drawing the attention of the CPT to the alarming increase on deaths in the Irish prison system and urging action.

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J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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